There are many great benefits to communities when the membership participates proactively in its governance. Committees are groups of such engaged members that form part of the framework for the governance of an association. If your association has an active membership that participates in committees, chances are that these folks are great candidates to be board members in the future. Committee members get to experience the protocols for meetings and become accustomed to proper procedures such as Roberts Rules of Order. This familiarity allows for a greater comfort level when one of them considers joining the board and take a greater leadership role.
There are five critical elements to the success of a committee. These elements are:
Serving in an advisory capacity to the board
Consisting of established job descriptions and responsibilities
Documentation of meetings via written minutes and written recommendations to the board.
They are given: - Meaningful tasks and adequate authority to complete the tasks. - Serious consideration of their recommendations is expected. - Public recognition for their performance.
They hold open meetings for all members to attend; with proper notice to members with date, time, and location published in accordance with the notice provisions of the governing documents.
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