3 Questions to ask your insurance agent regarding your policies 🌀
Insurance policies can be intricate and very lengthy. Chances are that the entire policy will not even be available for review until you make the purchase. You can however, learn from recent events and others so you can ask the right questions right now.
On Florida’s west coast, several hurricanes struck one right after the other. Billions of dollars of damage were sustained in dozens of cities. Hurricanes pose some circumstances that may not be insured. Residents experiencing losses and expecting insurance coverage were in for a rude awakening. Flood, storm surge, wind, etc, all pose circumstances that your insurance agent can better clarify coverage for.
What are your deductible amounts for different occurences?
What is covered in a Flood event? What about a wind (hurricane) event?
Doe syour polciy have a built-in clause preventing you from using a public adjuster?
A good agent will usually answer and summarize most of the details for your policies. There are some questions you need to ask frequently so they stay fresh in yours and the board’s minds. ✅The last question - regarding Public Adjusters- may even surprise your agent. Your agent may not even know until they dig deeper into the policy details.
Please watch till the end…
Comment if you’re an insurance agent, public adjuster, and a manager that has recently experienced some of these things…
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